February 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of North Kelsey Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 6.30pm
Meeting viewed online by electronic format Zoom on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 6.30pm
Those present at the hall : Cllr P Bryan ( chair ) , M Williams, D Hunt, S March.
Those present via zoom : Councillors D Weir. 2 members of the public
In attendance: J Waite (Clerk) 3 members of the public
1To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 20/365
Cllr T Turner, Cllr L Barker, Cllr R Smith, Cllr H Burrows
2 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 20/366
Cllr M Williams – Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Grass cutting contract.
3 To approve draft minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council, held on 12th January 2021. Ref 20/367
Resolved to approve as a true record.
Proposed Cllr D Hunt. Seconded Cllr S March. All in favour.
4 Public Questions Ref 20/368
Residents made representation to the council with concerns over planning application 142221 and 142247 both concerning Little London Farm. The application submitted states 1 employee would be affected by the closure / relocation of the current businesses using these premisses but this is incorrect – there are 4 full time and 3 part time staff. The paddock is also in constant use, again this is not what is stated on the applications. Concerns were raised that the single track road to the property is already in disrepair and this would not take any more traffic on a daily basis. Concern was raised as to if the village really needed more housing when there are properties in the 2 new developments that have not been sold. Concern was raised about the infrastructure of the village being insufficient in particular the lack of school places in the village primary school for residents in the village.
Chair proposed to bring item 9 forward on the agenda.
Proposed Cllr P Bryan. Seconded Cllr D Hunt. All in favour.
9 Planning applications and decisions received Ref 20/369
Application 142221 and 142247 – Little London Farm.
Council share residents concern about the state of the road access and the impact on village infrastructure. Concern was raised that although this would be a brown field site, it is outside the current building line of the village for residential housing and thus would be an extension of the village into open land – the council cannot support this.
3 members of public left the hall.
Application 142193 – Station Land Farm - no comments or objections
Application 142181 – land at rear of Poplars - no comments or objections.
5 District Council Report Ref 20/370
No report received. Council have been informed that Cllr P Howitt Cowan is not in post as the WLDC councillor for this ward.
6 Chairs Report Ref 20/371
This is a new agenda item which was introduced at this meeting, in response to concerns raised and issues at previous meetings. The Chair will ask councillors for updates on items that have been raised as concerns.
Action Plan Reminder – a document listing all the projects that the council are currently in the process of delivering was circulated, both at the meeting and by email. The document was compiled by Cllr S March, Cllr P Bryan and the Clerk and feed back was asked for. The document lists the projects with the time line for each, with delays being flagged for councillors. This was discussed and it was agreed to add to the document the councillors/ clerk initials responsible for each action. This will be sent out with the agenda for each meeting, as a reminder for councillors as to where each project has got to rather than going over long email threads. This will be updated after each meeting by Cllr S March and then going forward by the Clerk.
The Chair asked for an update on the on line councillor training – six places have been paid for - Cllrs HB, PB, SM, DH, DW and MW. Only one councillor has so far completed the training. Once completed the certificate of completion needs to be emailed to the Clerk for the training records.
If at future meetings a councillor is asked to action an item, a follow up email will be sent by the Clerk confirming this – this will address some of the confusion over action items at the last few meetings.
7 Clerk’s report Ref 20/372
The email address to contact the Clerk is clerk.northkelseyparish@gmail.com
There is currently 1 casual vacancy for the council – the Clerk has received no nominations.
No requests for Covid support have been received from residents.
Several potholes have been reported including Easthall Lane, Brigg Road, Carr Road and Gilicarr Lane. Broken manhole cover on Carr Road, Grange Lane, Omwby Lane, and Easthall Lane have been reported and updates given.
Blocked drains on Halls Lane and Little London Road are to be reported.
The rubbish / broken signs and cones collected from around the village has been collected today.
Cllr Weir has asked for permission to metal detect on the village playing field. Councill are to look into this idea.
Cllr Burrows has raised concern via email sent to all councillors but not the Clerk about the email sent out with the action plan document – this was sent on the day of the meeting at the Chairs request as it was to be discussed in the meeting not via email outside of the meeting.
Cllr Burrows also raised concern about the Councill Standing Orders – the Clerk addressed this, as it was commented that a template had been circulated and it had not been signed off at a meeting. The Clerk informed councillors that the NALC Standing Orders 2018 were adopted by council in April 2018 and they would be reviewed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May 2021. Clerk to send a more detailed reply to Cllr Burrows via email.
Council facebook page is receiving lots of visits and seems to be well received. Items to be included can be emailed to the Clerk. New photos are needed to update on the site. Dog fouling has been commented on as a problem in the village – to be reported to WLDC. Suggestions of putting up signs and bag dispensers around the village.
New website has now been published https://north-kelsey.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/. There is still information needing to be up dated and published, the Clerk asked those councillors involved in other groups around the village to ask for information they want adding. A page showing the history of the village is to be added.
Community engagement ideas – £500 grant from councillor funding at WLDC has been received for an event to be held post lockdown.
Caistor Lions were hoping to receive grant funding to donate benches to the village but this has not been successful.
Clerks Appraisal Review Meeting – It was resolved that this meeting will go ahead with Cllr S March as chair, Cllrs D Hunt and D Weir and the Clerk – date and time to be agreed by email. Cllr March will report at the next full council meeting. No terms of reference were agreed, an appraisal form is to be sent out for completion before the meeting.
8. Financial Matters Ref 20/373
Payments to be made by direct debit.
Payments to be made by BACS.
Salaries £411.78
Clerks Expenses and Disbursements £40.39
JB Rural Services – play equipment repairs £36.00
North Lincs Pest Services – mole control 2020/21 £360.00
North Lincs Pest Services – mole control 2021/22 annual contract £646.80
Lives Defib pads £70.42
Office Friends £20.76
LALC Social Medial Training £54.00
Payments to be made by cheque.
The expenses claim includes the Zoom monthly membership of £14.39 paid by the Clerk.
Resolved to approve payments.
Proposed Cllr P Bryan. Seconded Cllr S March. All in favour.
It was resolved to join the LALC training scheme 2021/22.
10 Parish matters – To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 20/374
a) Cemetery - Dogs must be kept on leads in the cemetery and any dog fouling cleared up.
Wreaths have now been removed – 70 wreaths were collected and disposed of and all contained plastics, ribbon etc. The eco / biodegradable policy was not followed by residents.
A verbal agreement – Clerk still waiting for a written agreement – from the hedge owner has been made that he will be responsible for cutting both side s and the top of the boundary hedge. The Clerk is to contact the contractor resolved at the last meeting to re look at the quote, as the hedge owner has requested that the council remove the self seeded saplings on the cemetery side of the hedge as these are in the way of the hedge cutting machinery.
The trees at the bottom of the cemetery will need work, as there is a large dead branch which will need removing. Clerk has one quote but others are to be sort.
It was resolved to put a compost bin at the cemetery and a position will be looked at for this. Parish Council will not re new the green bin collections by WLDC.
Litter was collected in the cemetery by the clerk and Cllr Bryan but this is an ongoing problem.
b) Grounds Maintenance - 10 bags of litter have been collected so far. Waiting for 10 sets of litter picking kit to be delivered by WLDC.
c) Play Area - no issues reported.
d) Wild Life Area – covid response grant is in process of being submitted. A quote has been received to make a path across to the wild life area, re surface the car park, place 2 picnic benches in the area and a bench in the park. Other quotes to be sort. As the submission date is close, these will be circulated and voted for by email
Proposed Cllr P Bryan. Seconded Cllr D Hunt. All in favour.
11 To receive general comments from members for consideration on the next agenda. Ref 20/375
Expenses policy
Annual leave policy
Safe guarding policy
Plan volunteers list / issues needing attention.
12 Date and Time of next meeting –
Tuesday 9th March 2021 - Annual Meeting of the Parish at 6.30pm
Tuesday 9th March 2021 – Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm.
Meeting closed 9.05pm.