April 2023 Minutes


28 Allington Drive
Grimsby DN37 9FF

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall on 11 April 2023

Present: Cllr A. Robinson (Chair), Cllr R. Hunt, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr P. Jackson, Cllr S. March, Cllr P.Bryan, Cllr J. Cundill,

In Attendance: Cllr T. Smith (LCC), Cllr P.Morris (WLDC),

Members of public present: 2

1   Welcome from the chairman and public session (15 mins) - Ref: 210

A resident raised issues with drainage that was currently in hand with LCC and WLDC

2   Reports from Unitary Councillors - Ref: 211

Neither councillor had anything to report.

3   Apologies and reasons for absence - Ref: 212

Cllrs J. Waite, D. Waite

4   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests - Ref: 213


5   To approve the draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 14/03/23 - Ref: 214

It was resolved to adopt the minutes as a true record
Cllr J. Cundill Seconder: Cllr M. Williams  All in favour
6   Finance Report - Ref: 215

a)   Accounting statements for period ending 31/03/23 - Ref: 216

It was resolved to adopt the financial statements as a true record
Cllr J. Cundill Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson  All in favour
b)   Schedule of payments - Ref: 217

It was resolved to approve the schedule of payments totalling £2284.20
Cllr J. Cundill Seconder: Cllr P. Jackson  For: 7 Against: 0 Abstain: 1
c)   To approve the Internal Auditors Report 2022/23 - Ref: 218

It was resolved to approve the internal auditors report.
Cllr R. Hunt Seconder: Cllr J. Cundill  All in favour
d)   To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 - Ref: 219

It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
Cllr P. Jackson Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson  All in favour
e)   To approve the Annual Accounting Statements 2022/23 - Ref: 220

It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounting Statements
Cllr A. Robinson Seconder: Cllr P.Bryan  All in favour
f)   To certify North Kelsey Parish Council as exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and  Accountability Return to the external auditor and approve Exemption Certificate - Ref: 221

This item was deferred to the following meeting.

7   To receive any reports from external organisations - Ref: 222

Cllr Richardson and Cllr Cundill provided updates on the meetings with North Kelsey Community Association

8   Parish Plan Update - Ref: 223

Cllrs provided updates on the newsletter with the next edition due at the end of April.

Litter picking was proposed to be undertaken on the 1st Saturday of every month other than May and a dedicated web page would be created to advertise meeting points, times etc.Cllr Morris would source high viz jackets and gloves.

Quotes would be sought for safety testing of memorials at the cemetery

It was resolved to contribute up to £150 towards bulbs to be planted throughout the parish.
Cllr R. Hunt Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson  All in favour
a)   Coffee morning and topics raised - Ref: 224

The coffee mornings were well attended with 15 attendees at the 2 events and a number of topics raised.

The matters raised would also be circulated to Ward Councillors as several items were outside the remit of the parish council.

b)   Cemetery - headstone work - Ref: 225

It was agreed to obtain quotes for safety testing of the memorials in the cemetery

9   Parish Matters - Ref: 226

a)   Defibrillator - Ref: 227

Contact had been made with Caistor lions with regards to provision of a second defibrillator in the village. West Lindsey also offered a scheme to purchase one at a cost of £400. It was agreed to await the decision of Caistor Lions before proceeding further on the second defibrillator.

It was resolved to join the Community Defibrillator Service at a cost of £100 per annum.
Cllr J. Cundill Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson  All in favour
b)   Benches - Ref: 228

This matter was deferred until May 2023

c)   Picnic benches - Ref: 229

This matter was deferred until May 2023

d)   Woodland Trust tree packs - Ref: 230

This matter was discussed and not to be proceeded with further at this moment in time.

e)   Review tracking report - Ref: 231

20539 - Owmby Lane Connection to Main Sewer This matter had not progressed any further

20960 - Parish Branding

This matter will be further discussed with the school.

21155 - Speeding - Easthall Road

Locations had been agreed with Lincolnshire County Council and posts would be installed. Two signs were to be obtained paid for by a local resident.

22460 - Waste Bins In Lay Byes

West Lindsey District Council had this in hand and a site visit was to be undertaken with regards to signage and fly tipping.

f)   Coronation Bunting - Ref: 232

It was resolved to purchase bunting up to £250
Cllr J. Cundill Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson  All in favour
10   Clerks report - Relevant correspondence received - Ref: 233

None received

11   Planning applications and decisions received - Ref: 234

None received

12   Next meeting will be Tuesday 09/05/23 at 7 pm - Ref: 235

Any agenda items to be submitted by 2nd May 2023 Meeting closed at 9.00 pm