March 2022 Minutes


c/o Chipendale,
Lincoln Road,
Holton cum Beckering,
Telephone: 07884 114373

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 7pm

Present: Cllr M Williams, Cllr H Burrows, Cllr S Haynes

In attendance: J Robertson (Clerk)

A public forum was available for members of the public to ask questions, no members of the public were in attendance.

LCC Update –Cllr. Smith was aware of the issues regarding pop-up temporary roadworks which were due to a water leak. Flooding issues still under investigation and is awaiting the final report which was originally due in February.

Speed limit policies are now being discussed at County level for 20mph limit in South Street.  The PCSO had recently conducted two separate speed checks within the village and no speeding had been detected at that time.

WLDC Update  - Cllr Morris sent his apologies. Keep Britain Tidy, the environmental charity has announced that the Great British Spring Clean will run from Friday 25th of March to Saturday 10th of April this year. Support for community litter picking groups and organisations continues to be available through the District Council including not only the supply of sacks and equipment, but also the prompt removal of the material collected.

7.25pm    The Chairman opened the meeting.

21/509   To receive apologies and reasons for absence.  

Cllr D Hunt, Cllr R Hunt – Reason on holiday

21/510   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. 

None received. 

21/511    To approve draft minutes of the Meeting on 8 February 2022

Resolved to approve as a true record. Proposed Cllr S Haynes proposed, Seconded Cllr. H Burrows

All in favour.

21/512    Chair & Councillors Report 

None to report                                                         

21/513    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

Vehicle has been reported parting on the village green once again which has been reported

Resolved – Clerk to add to the agenda for the next meeting

21/514   Parish Councillor Vacancies

Cllr Burrows raised the issue of the four outstanding NKPC Councillor vacancies.  No response from the advert in The Kelsey Group Church and Community News booklet .

21.515    North Kelsey Youth Club

At this time, the PC are unable to obtain information regarding the legal implications for change of use for the bequest in its care.  Cllr Morris had previously asked for further information and will investigate with colleagues and asked for this to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. 

Clerk to add to the agenda for the next meeting.

21/516    Mole Contract

All submissions for the mole contract were discussed and the contract was awarded to Mr Pesty with the most favourable quote, PLI and recommendations from other customers.

Proposed Cllr Burrows, Seconded Cllr Haynes

All in favour.

21/517   WI Request

The WI have requested the planting of a tree to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee on the land on Easthall Road.  As the PC have no jurisdiction, authorisation is required by LCC Highways.  

Resolved – Clerk to inform the WI to contact LCC for permission

21/518   Playing Field

The fencing was discussed.

Resolved – Clerk to add to the agenda for the next meeting

21/519    Updates on:

a. New Notice Boards – Cllr Burrows to measure and supply dimensions to clerk.  Clerk to obtain quotes and options for next meeting and to contact LCC with regards the noticeboard at North Kelsey Moor. Ongoing

b. New Seat in Play Area – Proposed to order one seat for the play area.  Proposed Cllr Williams, seconded Cllr Burrows.  All in favour.

c. Fencing both on and around the playing field – Awaiting Quote.  Ongoing

d. Chapel repairs in cemetery – Cllr Burrows obtaining Roofing and Plastering quotes.  Ongoing

e. The Queens Diamond Jubilee – Purchase of celebration mugs for children of the Parish.

Designs and costs submitted. Clerk to order the mugs.  Proposed Cllr Burrows, Seconded Cllr Williams.  All in favour.

21/520   Financial Matters 

The Clerk & RFO  reported no payments were received since the last meeting.

Resolved to approve payment £271.44. Proposed Cllr H Burrows Seconded Cllr M Williams

All in favour

21/521      Planning Maters

14292.- Manor Farm, Brigg.Road, Clixby, Barnetby LN7 6RT  

Application for construction of a drying shed for food processing. Amended plans and odour control appraisal received.


144361 - Land adjacent to Little London Farm, little London, North Kelsey Market Rasen LN7 6JP

Ful planning application for erection of three dwellings, updated to include demolition.


21/522      Staffing

Staffing training matters were discussed.

Date and Time of next meeting: 

Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 7pm 
Village Hall, North Kelsey 

Meeting concluded 8:40pm