August 2022 Minutes



28 Allington Drive
Grimsby DN37 9FF

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall on 9 August 2022

Present: Cllr D. Hunt (Chair), Cllr R. Hunt, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr P. Jackson, Cllr A. Robinson, In Attendance: C. Thomas (Clerk), Cllr P.Morris (WLDC),

Members of public present: 0

1   Welcome from the chairman and public session (15 mins) - Ref: 26

No members of the public present

2   Reports from Unitary Councillors - Ref: 27

Cllr Morris provided an update on the West Lindsey District Council 2023/24 budget consultation. Cllr Smith provided an update on pot hole repairs and took a number of questions from councillors.

3   Apologies and reasons for absence - Ref: 28


4   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests - Ref: 29


5   To approve the draft minuets of the Council meeting held on 12/07/22 - Ref: 30

It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true record.
Cllr R. Hunt Seconder: Cllr M. Williams  All in favour
6   Finance Report - Ref: 31

a)   Accounting statements for period ending 31/07/22 - Ref: 32

The Clerk had previously circulated the accounting statements for the period ending 31/07/22 It was resolved to approve these as a true record.
Cllr M. Williams Seconder: Cllr P. Jackson  All in favour
b)   Schedule of payments - Ref: 33

It was resolved to approve the schedule of payments totalling £1592.38
Cllr D. Hunt Seconder: Cllr R. Hunt  All in favour
7   To receive any reports from external organisations - Ref: 34

No reports were available.

8   Parish Matters - Ref: 35

a)   Parish Council logo - Ref: 36

It was suggested to involve the school in a logo design as part of Cllr A. Robinson proposals for improved engagement.

b)   Clerks review of council procedures, management and policies - Ref: 37

The Clerk had previously circulated a review. As part of this review:- The asset register was reviewed.

It was resolved to purchase a fire proof bag for cemetery records Proposer: Cllr P. Jackson Seconder: Cllr A. Robinson All in favour

It was agreed to investigate costings of a domain name before making a decision. A dedicated council Facebook page would be created.

Policies would be reviewed over a 4-5 month period.

c)   Dog bins around the village (AR) - Ref: 38

Cllr Robinson raised concerns regarding dog fouling in the area, signage and conditions of the dog bins.

d)   Parish Council Plan (AR) - Ref: 39

Cllr Robinson proposed a Parish Plan. After some discussion it was suggested to prepare a draft of such a plan to discuss further at a future meeting.

e)   Village Engagement (AR) - Ref: 40

Cllr Robinson discussed and suggested ways forward to improve community engagement. After some discussion it was suggested to include this in or as part of a Parish Plan to be discussed further at a future meeting.

f)   Maintenance of the Cemetery (RH) - Ref: 41

Cllr R. Hunt had provided a list of various matters pertaining to the maintenance of the cemetery grounds.

It was agreed to have a working party tidy up the grounds and the Clerk would also look at any other matters requiring 3rd party assistance.

g)   Review tracking report - Ref: 42

20590 - Moles

It was resolved to appoint Axholme Pest Control on a 12 month contract at a cost of £720 / annum. Proposer: Cllr D. Hunt Seconder: Cllr P. Jackson For: 4 Against: 0 Abstain: 1

20595 - Notice Boards

The Clerk would seek a permit from LCC for installation of the notice board on Owmby Lane. A decision on the actual board would be made at the next meeting.

It was felt a wooden, roofed notice board would be more suitable for the Village Green. The Clerk would look at costings for such a board for the next meeting.

20596 - Playing Field Fencing Quotes had been requested.

20597 - Playing Field - Childrens Play Area Improvements

The Clerk had met with the school who would be interested in engaging on this project.

20626 - New Seats

A permit request had been submitted and was awaiting an Officer to visit to approve.

9   Clerks report - Relevant correspondence received - Ref: 43

a)   Cars parking on village green - Ref: 44

The Clerk had been in communication with residents regarding parking of cars on the Village Green.

10   Planning applications and decisions received - Ref: 45

a)   145096 - Hybrid planning application for proposed 57km pipeline scheme between Elsham and Lincoln.

- Ref: 46

With the limited information at this stage there were no comments.

b)   145202 - Land off, Carr Road, North Kelsey, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN7 6LG

Planning application for erection of 2no. dwellings including garages being amendment to plots 3 and 4  of planning permission 142532(20627) - Ref: 47

No objections

11   Next meeting will be Tuesday 13/09/22 at 7 pm - Ref: 48

Any agenda items to be received by 06/09/22 Meeting closed at 9.30 pm