January 2024 Minutes


North Kelsey Parish Council
c/o Church Farm
Church St
North Kelsey

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall on 09 January 2024

Present: Cllr D. Waite (Chair) Cllr S. March (Minutes) Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr P. Jackson, Cllr J. Waite, Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J. Slater, Cllr R. Hunt.

In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC)

Members of public present: 3

1.    Welcome from the chairman and public session.

North Kelsey Community Shop – a member of the public gave a summary on the progress made to date of the development of the North Kelsey Community Shop. 

A member of the public a suggestion of side-gates when entering North Kelsey Moor to reduce speeding in the 40mph speed limit on Station Road. 

2.   Reports from Unitary Councillors. 

Flooding in West Street – In Cllr. T. Smith absence an update paper was submitted. The issue has been raised with LCC Head of Highways and Anglican Water. It would seem the water/sewerage filtering pump was not managing with the deluge of water and the issue remains ongoing. 

Reported that Halls Lane near the Village Green end has had problems with water overflow. Has not been reported on FixMyStreet. To be reviewed and reported if the problem reoccurs.  

Cllr P. Morris report that the Devolution response survey is due to close on the 29th of Jan 2024. Election of Mayor is to take place.  

There has been an increase in planning application fees by 35% for applications for major development and 25% for all other applications. Planning advice remains free of charge. 

3.   Apologies and reasons for absence – Ref: 418

Cllr T. Smith (LCC), Cllr M. Williams 

4.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests – Ref: 419

Cllr J Cundill, Cllr P. Jackson, Cllr J. Slater – North Kelsey Community Shop

Cllr J. Cundill – North Kelsey Village Hall 

Cllr R. Hunt – Caistor Lions. 

5.   To approve the draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 12/12/23 – Ref: 420

It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true record. 

Proposed: Cllr J. Waite. Seconder: Cllr P. Bryan. Favour 7. Abstain 1.

1.   Appointment of NKPC Vice Chair- Ref: 421

Cllr S. March nominated herself to the role of Vice Chair.  

Proposed: Cllr J. Waite Seconder: Cllr D. Waite. Favour 7. Abstain 1.

8.    Finance Report – Ref: 422

a) Accounting statements for period ending 31/11/23 

Accounting statements unavailable owing to restricted access to NKPC accounts. Awaiting   confirmation of change of signatories. No payments have been made in this period.

b) Schedule of payments 

Reviewed in order to calculate the 2024 precept allocation. 

9.   To receive any reports from external organisations – Ref: 423

Lincolnshire Police and Anglian Water. 

10.    New Clerk update – Ref: 424

Wording of Clerk Job Advert to include “There may be an opportunity for CilCa training.”

Go out for advert asap.

11.   Defibrillator financial support – Ref: 425

School defibrillator – suggested to move to North Kelsey Village Hall. Grant White WDLC is being contacted regarding defibrillator funding grant. 

Proposed: Cllr R. Hunt, Seconder: Cllr P. Jackson. In Favour 4, Abstentions 3 

12.    Village Shop Support – Ref: 426

Submission for a grant of £510 to support the village shop getting established. 

Proposed: Cllr D. Waite,  Seconder: Cllr P. Bryan.  In Favour 4, Abstentions 4

13.    North Kelsey Moor Bench /Speeding /Sign – Ref: 427

The wooden bench stored in the Mortuary Chapel to be used. Need to agree the North Kelsey Moor location. Also, approach Caistor Lions to request the installation of the bench. 

Request Cllr T. Smith (LCC) to contact LCC highways to assess the feasibility of the installation of gates on entry to North Kelsey Moor to reduce speeding.

14.   Precept for 2024/25 – Ref: 428

Agreed to review accounts to assess reserves.

Proposed precept to £22k an13% increase. 

Proposed: Cllr J. Waite.  Seconder: Cllr P. Bryan. All in favour.

15.    Village Hall revised constitution – Ref: 429

AGM North Kelsey Community Association change of constitution and agreed the wording to approach North Kelsey Parish Council requesting to take on the management of North Kelsey Village Hall if the Community Association was disbanded. 

16.    Parish Plan Update – Ref: 430

a)   Parish Council Newsletter 

In progress to be published by the end of January 2024. 

b)   Playing Field 

Tarmacing costing of Playing Field Car Park agreed

c)   Litter Picking

Successful litter picking event was carried out at Cross Lane Lay-bys and Station Rd. Supported by 2 x members of the public. Next litter picking event to be scheduled.  

d)   Cemetery

A resident asked that permission be granted to be buried in North Kelsey Cemetery

Proposed: Cllr P. Jackson.  Seconder: Clr D. Waite. All in favour

e)   Event – D Day Commemoration

C/F to13th of February 2024 meeting to discuss ideas to commemorate the D-Day landing – for 6th of June 2024. 

17.    Police / Council Engagement Session Ref: 431

Overview of the Lincolnshire Police engagement session with Parish Councils held on the 14th of December 2023 was given. Agreed to link in with Lincolnshire Police and Crimes Commissioner Speed Reduction Strategy due to published early 2024. 

18.    Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13/02/24 at 7pm 

Apologies given for the 13th of Feb 2024 meeting – Cllr R. Hunt.

Meeting closed – 9.09pm