February 2024 Minutes


North Kelsey Parish Council
c/o Church Farm
Church St
North Kelsey

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall on 13th of February 2024

Present: Cllr D. Waite (Chair) Cllr S. March (Minutes) Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J. Slater, Cllr M. Williams.

In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) Cllr T. Smith (LCC),

Members of public present: 1

1.    Welcome from the chairman and public session.

Thank you given by the Chair to those Councillors undertaking duties in the Clerk absence.

2.   Reports from Unitary Councillors. 

Cllr P. Morris WLDC – appeal against the judicial review of Scampton is ongoing.

WDLC - Full budget coming out on the 4th of March 2024. 

Cleaning machine is schedule for the Village on 14th of February 2024. 

Cllr T. Smith LCC – West St - problems with drainage ongoing with LCC looking into the drainage network. Letters will be sent to those residents that are impacted. 
Maidenhall Lane drainage – is still an issue although has mostly resolved. Is still on the agenda.

Devolution still ongoing.  

LCC paper on drainage clearing responsibilities. Cllr T. Smith to forward.

3.   Apologies and reasons for absence – Ref: 432

Cllr R. Hunt. Cllr J. Waite, Cllr P. Jackson

4.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests – Ref: 433

Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr J. Slater – North Kelsey Village Hall Committee

Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr J. Slater – North Kelsey Community Shop. 

5.   To approve the draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 09/01/24 – Ref: 434

It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true record. 

Proposed: Cllr P. Byran, Seconder: Cllr D. Waite. All in Favour. 

6.    Finance Report – Ref: 435

a) Accounting statements for period ending 31/11/23 

North Kelsey Community Shop  - to the £510 agreed grant asked for an extra £40 to cover VAT. 

Proposed: Cllr P. Bryan, Seconder: Cllr D. Waite. Favour: 4, Abstain: 2. 

Village Hall Community Charity to hold the grant money until the Community Shop has a bank account. Cllr J. Cundill to take forward with North Kelsey Village Hall Committee.  

b) Schedule of payments 

Still awaiting banking signatories to be completed. Currently using a cheque book payment system until BACS is reinstated. 

Tarmacing of Playing Field Car Park, Playing Field tree cutting and Newsletter Publishing, invoices C/F to next month 

6.   To receive any reports from external organisations – Ref: 436

Cllr J. Cundill reported that the Village Hall usage is increasing. 

Youth Club – NKPC – as trustee to the Youth Club – Chair to contact Youth Club to hand over to Youth Club trusteeship and allocated funding. 
Lincolnshire Police have made free no fraud packs for distribution.

8.   New Clerk update – Ref: 437

12th of February 2024 – closing date with the Clerk interview to take place on the 19th of February 2024. 

9.    Neighbourhood Development Plan – Ref: 438

Cllr. J. Slater – gave a brief overview of Neighbourhood Development Plan. Further guidance sought. C/F to 12th of March 2024 meeting. 

10.    Planning Applications – Ref: 439

Dog Kennels application – extension – resident objections received. 

Chair to respond outlining that the Parish Council is not in a position to respond and for any resident objection to go through the Planning Office.

11.    Parish Plan Update – Ref: 440

a)   Parish Council Newsletter – Tarmacing, Noticeboards, etc. end of March and set a closing date for any newsletter contribution. Agreed to reduce to 400 copies. 

b)   Playing Field

-   Tarmacing of Car Park scheduled for the 19th of Feb 2024. 
-   Trees cutting scheduled for the 16th of February 2024 
-   Fencing repairs remain outstanding. 
-   Playing Equipment Repairs and Mole removal remains outstanding, and quotes are required. 

c)   Litter Picking – February litter picking undertaken along Elmore Lane successful.

d)   Cemetery – Billed for the water – still be followed up. 

e)   Event – D Day Commemoration - Vicar to be contacted regarding a Remembrance Service. 
12.    Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 12/03/24 at 7.15pm 

Apologies – Cllr T. Smith. 

Meeting closed – 8.55pm