October 24 Minutes
North Kelsey Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 22 October 2024
Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr S March (Vice Chair) Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J Waite, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Slater, Cllr J Cundill and Cllr R Hunt
In attendance: Cllr T Smith (LCC & WLDC) and Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC)
Members of public present: 0
Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote
Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minute Number Item
110/2425 Welcome from Chair and Public Questions
Welcome given, no members of the public in attendance
111/2425 Apologies
Apologies for absence, none
112/2425 Declarations of interest
Cllr. S March in finances Cllr J Cundill and Cllr J Slater in Community Shop
113/2425 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2024
Proposed:- Cllr.S.March Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan Abstain:- Cllr J Cundill (did not attend meeting)
That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.
114/2425 Police & Crime update
Police report for area NC09 received and circulated. Three crimes in the parish including antisocial behaviour and burglary.
115/2425 District and County Council reports
Cllr P Morris:- WLDC
Resignation of Addy Selby, not recruiting 3 other directors will share workload
Act of Remembrance will be attending
Simon Smoothie dealing with WLDC issues
Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC
Ongoing highways problems, ownership of certain areas as registered on land registry
Issues include NK Moor road camber issue, signage, flooding, chamber drainage and ditches problems, no definite time scales
116/2425 Chairman’s Update
Observing other council’s meetings ongoing.
Thank you to Cllr.S.March with assistance with Community Payback
Newsletter good articles, it is now ready for distribution
117/2425 Parish Councillor updates
Cllr.S,March Preparation in the cemetery for the wildflower seeding has been done. Clerk has successfully completed their probationary period.
Cllr.M.Williams Water escaping in cemetery
118/2425 Clerks Report
LCC Grass cutting contribution
Youth Club Charity Commission report submitted
Various temporary traffic orders, details posted on facebook and in the noticeboard
Act of Remembrance, church service every 4 years, 2024, look at possible combined service next 2028
Health and safety course booked
Jadu website training has been cancelled
Youth Club, still awaiting findings from solicitor
Proposed waiting restrictions on West Street, Comments open until 7/11
119/2425 Parish Matters
Play Park Fence Painting:- community payback have given the fencing one coat of paint They are happy to return spring 2025 to do a second coat if requested
120/2425 Village Hall Community Shop
Grant application form to be emailed for completion. Once all documentation received add as agenda item again
121/2425 RoSPA
Discuss new supplier for RoSPA report
Council discussed and approved Sovereign 5 year onboarding £399 + VAT fee
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.J.Slater Abstain:- Cllr J Cundill
122/2425 Payments for approval
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan Cllr.M.Williams and Cllr.S.March abstained from voting on their payments
to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.
Invoice Date Supplier/Payee Details Cost VAT Total Payment
30/09/24 Clerk Salary Sept 24 + 10 Additional Hours worked 507.71 507.71
30/09/24 HMRC PAYE Sept 24 (HMRC Credit £28.59) 98.41 98.41
30/09/24 JM Coote Disbursements/Expenses Sept 24 78.75 78.75
30/09/24 Mary Williams Grass Cutting Invoice 24/044 900.00 180.00 1080.00
18/09/24 B&M Wickes Refreshments and fence paint playground renovations (S March) 48.65 48.65
16/09/24 Online Playgrounds Gulliwing seesaw seats 229.17 45.83 275.00
12/09/24 Boston Seeds Wildflower seeds 1kg 136.66 27.33 163.99
26/09/24 PKF External Audit 2023/24 210.00 42.00 252.00
30/09/24 Unity Bank charges 3.13 3.13
Totals 2212.48 295.16 2507.64
Bank Balances:- Unity Current £51,534.21, 30/09/2024, reconciled. £2,068.65 committed = £49,465.56,
NS&I £5,963.73
123/2425 Budget 2024/25
Budget Monitoring Report:- produced and approved.
124/2425 Quarterly Bank Reconciliation and Statements
Cllr.J.Slater appointed to verify bank reconciliations/statements
125/2425 AGAR
External Auditor report considered. Changes have now taken place, no further actions necessary
126/2425 Planning applications
None received
127/2425 The Council to review and agree the following policies and procedures:
Risk Register
Council reviewed and approved updated policy
Proposed:- Cllr.D.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.J.Slater Abstain:- Cllr P Bryan (Input into policy document)
128/2425 Act of Remembrance
Order of service agreed
Invites to be emailed to local community groups and businesses
Agreed expenses for cornet player
129/2425 Recreation Ground and Play Area
Hedge cutting and ditch clearing, no quotes received to date, continue to obtain
130/2425 Grass Cutting Tender 2025/2026
Specification approval for tender. Maximum 15 cuts per year (permission would be required if needed to exceed this quota) Tender to be published Cllr.S.March to assist Clerk
131/2425 War Memorial
Lettering needs repainting, contact has been made, awaiting quote
132/2425 Proposal for Committees
Discussed having working groups, rather than committees, responsible for different areas, open to councillors and members of the public
Terms of Reference for Working Groups Reviewed
Council approved TOR and three working groups with Councillor volunteer members, will be advertised to members of the public
Proposed:- Cllr.D.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.S.March All in favour
Communications:- Cllr.P.Bryan, Cllr.J.Waite, Cllr.R.Hunt
Strategic:- Cllr.J.Waite, Cllr.J.Cundill, Cllr.S.March
Environment:- Cllr.P.Bryan, Cllr.R.Hunt, Cllr.J.Slater, Cllr.S.March
Next Ordinary Meeting
133/2425 Actions to be undertaken before the Next Ordinary meeting
Grant application form to Community Shop
Act of Remembrance community group invites
Contact Anglian Water re leak in cemetery
Contact tree works, urgent attention needed
Contact RoSPA supplier to agree contract
Contact provider re installation of NK Moor noticeboard
Playground renovations costs summary
Arrange first meeting working groups and recruit members of the parish
Details of other outstanding issues Cllr.P.Bryan to send list to WLDC and LCC Councillors
Close NKPC NS&I Account
Goal Posts Investigate the size of the pitch and if it would be appropriate
Quotes for cutting play ground hedges and clearing the ditch, removal of all spoil
Grass Cutting Tender 2025/2026, tender to be published
War Memorial quote for repainting to be obtained
Cemetery Review, visit cemetery, check plots, draft letters
Youth Club
134/2425 Items for inclusion on the next Ordinary Meeting agenda
NKCA Weekend
Budget/Precept 2025/26
135/2425 Date and time of the next Ordinary Meeting
To confirm date and time of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, is set for Tuesday 12th November 2024 7.15pm.
The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 9.11pm