December 24 Minutes

North Kelsey Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th December 2024 
Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr S March (Vice Chair) Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J Waite, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Slater, Cllr.G.Harris and Cllr J Cundill (late arrival)
In attendance: Cllr. Tom Smith (LCC/WLDC), Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) 
Members of public present: None
Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote
Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minute Number    Item
160/2425    Welcome from Chair and Public Questions
Welcome and best wishes for Christmas given, no members of the public present  
161/2425    Apologies
Apologies for absence, Cllr R Hunt
162/2425    Declarations of interest
163/2425    Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2024
Proposed:- Cllr.P.Bryan Seconded:- Cllr.J.Waite  Cllr.J.Slater abstained due to not attending meeting
That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.
164/2425    Police & Crime update
Police report for area NC09 received and circulated. Data Sept 24 compared with data for October 23 noted increase in sexual offences and burglary. Clarification required regarding forces focus. PCSO to be invited to the next meeting. 
Unfortunately, PSCO was not able to attend. Questions have been asked, awaiting response 
165/2425    District and County Council reports
Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC 
Thanks to those who attended drainage meeting, some problems causing issues are not legally LCC’s responsibility, they will attend too all they are responsible for and some they are not as goodwill gesture. 
Some residential properties have covered over the drainage ditches, only solution is to dig them out.  Riparian Landowners landowner’s responsibility article for the next newsletter
Wet leaves and mud hazard, requested road sweeping/street cleaning from West Street to Corner of pub has not taken place, to be chased up by Cllr.P.Morris as district matter.
Manholes and CCTV investigation works has been raised.
Cllr P Morris:- WLDC
Christmas black bin collection Saturday 21ST December 2024, collections to be put on facebook pages
Gov consultation, remote and vote by proxy closes 19th December 2024
Dog fouling, wardens are scheduled for patrols around the area and looking to concentrate on worst areas. 
166/2425    Chairman’s Update
Nothing to report
167/2425    Parish Councillor updates
Cllr.J.Slater:- Community shop proceeding, training needs to take place, scheduled opening now February 2025.
Cllr.S,March:- fencing by the cemetery has fallen and beams broken even after repair. Wood chips at play park not been laid. Dog fouling signs put up and litter pick taken place 
168/2425    Updates from Working Groups
Communications:- Yet to meet
Strategic:- Met twice in November, date for next meeting to be arranged. Core priority health and safety residents, tree survey, gravestones, speed reduction. Lincs Road Safety Partnership can give advice on most effective proposals
Environment:- at their meeting they looked at tasks, activities and assets list, broken down in to groups. Cllr.S.March responsible for playing field, Cllr.P.Bryan Cemetery and Cllr.J.Slater village green. All will undertake risk assessments monthly. Next meeting 6th January 2025
169/2425    Clerks Report
Meeting June 25 Change from 10th June to 3rd June 
Sovereign RPII Inspector Awaiting report
War Memorial has been listed by Historic England as a structure of national merit.
Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme. Cllr.G.Harris has volunteered to take this forward and an article for the newsletter for parishioners to participate.
170/2425    Parish Matters
Old Railing, WLDC have accepted responsibility but no progress regarding buying reclaimed replacement
NK Moor bench, Highways agreed position not suitable.
Proposed  Cllr.J.Cundill  Seconded  Cllr.J.Waite  All in favour
Alternative location outside the methodist chapel, what 3 words forgot, decking, overlook, permission to be sought from highways 
NK Moor Noticeboard, installation request to the Lions 
Youth Club update, awaiting response from Charity commission 
Dog Poo Dispensers and Wardens, agreed to continue with existing dispensers and supply additional bags as required. Persistent offenders needs enforcement from the dog wardens  
Cemetery Hedge left hand side:- Quote for cutting hedge to be obtained
Cemetery Water Leak:- Logistics of getting all teams on site proving difficult, check if Anglian Water ref 26483257, can they disconnect at source not in the cemetery. Barrier to be placed around affected area and notice on facebook pages  
171/2425    Payments for approval
Proposed:- Cllr.D.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.J.Waite  
to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.    
Invoice Date    Supplier/Payee    Details    Cost  VAT Total Payment
30/11/24    Clerk    Salary Nov 24     411.45        411.45
30/11/24    HMRC    PAYE Nov 24     103.00        103.00
30/11/24    JM Coote    Disbursements/Expenses Nov 24    30.90        30.90
06/11/24    Sovereign Play    Play Park Inspection    399.99    79.80    478.80
30/11/24    Unity    Bank Charges    6.00        6.00
Totals            950.35    79.80    1,030.15
Bank Balances:- Unity Current £3,266.59, 30/11/2024, reconciled. £1,024.15 committed = £2,242.44. 
Unity Instant Saver £49.000.00, NS&I £5,963.73
172/2425    Budget 2024/25
Budget Monitoring Report:- produced and accepted
173/2425    Planning applications
None received
    Cemetery Hedge
Awaiting quotes, agenda item for next meeting
175/2425    Recreation Ground and Play Area
Consider Hedge Cutting and ditch clearing quotes
Proposed  Cllr.J.Cundill  Seconded  Cllr.J.Waite  All in favour
Accept quote from Ian Moore Contracting Ltd. Tracked digger option @ £78.00 p/h + vat and ditch clearance @ £650.00 + vat
176/2425    War Memorial
Consider Quote for repainting the lettering 
Proposed  Cllr.J.Cundill  Seconded  Cllr.J.Waite  All in favour
Cllr.D.Waite volunteer to do the works 
    Next Ordinary Meeting
177/2425    Items for inclusion on the next Ordinary Meeting agenda
Precept 2025/26
Grass Cutting 2025/2027 Tender Quotes 
Tree Survey Quotes
Community Event
178/2425    Date and time of the next Ordinary Meeting
To confirm date and time of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, is set for Tuesday 14th January 2025 7.15pm. 

The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 8.35pm