April 2024 Minutes


North Kelsey Parish Council
c/o Jayne M Coote 4a March Street Kirton in Lindsey Gainsborough DN21 4PH
Email:- clerk.northkelseyparish@gmail.com

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall on 9th April 2024

Present: Cllr S. March (Vice Chair), Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J. Slater, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr R. Hunt, Cllr P. Jackson, In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) Cllr T. Smith (LCC),

Members of public present: 0

1.   Welcome from the Vice Chair and public session -Ref: 001/2425.

No general public present

It was noted the wrong agenda and no minutes were in place on the noticeboard


Clerk to ensure correct procedure for required documents is followed.

2.   Reports from Unitary Councillors – Ref: 002/2425.

Cllr P. Morris WLDC – Home Office have called off the judicial review of Scampton, ongoing.

Costs now agreed for the hire larger bins to address excess rubbish, £60.00 per week for 1100 litre and

£50.00 for 660 litre.

Planning for the Queens Head has been approved to become residential Dog fouling – requested more public spaces protection order stickers Cllr T. Smith LCC – West Street is now with contractors for repair work.

90% of potholes have been fixed, some only temporary, scheme ongoing.

Flooding and drainage problems investigations have been pushed back from 8th April, no new date given. Flooding and non-maintained ditches continue to be a problem for various streets in our area. LCC paper on drainage clearing responsibilities is now available. It was discussed that the school would clear the ditch on their land during the summer holidays if asked.

Recent traffic accident causing damage to a wall, a speeding survey has been suggested


Cllr P. Morris to obtain further public spaces protection order stickers Cllr J. Slater to communicate with the school re ditch

Cllr T. Smith to investigate the possibility of a speeding survey

3.   Apologies and reasons for absence – Ref: 003/2425

Apologies and reason for absence was accepted from Cllr D. Waite (Chair), Cllr J. Waite and Cllr J Cundill.

4.   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests – Ref: 004/2425

Cllr M. Williams - Accounts

5.   To approve the draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 12/03/24 – Ref: 005/2425

It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true record. Proposed: Cllr P. Byran, Seconder: Cllr R. Hunt All in Favour.

It was requested that in the future all DRAFT documents are circulated to all Councillors for comment


Clerk to circulate all DRAFT documents as requested
6.   Finance Report – Ref: 006/2425

a)   Schedule of payments, currently using a cheque book payment system until BACS is reinstated. New banking signatories to be completed, internet access confirmed but still to receive confirmation and access codes.

Schedule of Payments 12 March/09 April 2024

April 2024 minutes tbl1

b)   Accounting statements for period ending 31/03/2024, bank statements were not available for bank reconciliation.

7.   To receive any reports from external organisations – Ref: 007/2425

Lincolnshire Police – no new crime report available, how to report anti-social behaviour alert instruction received and circulated to the community.

Youth Club – NKPC – as trustee to the Youth Club propose to hand over to Youth Club trusteeship and allocated funding – ongoing, Leaders are to be invited to the next meeting. Commissioners annual report ongoing.


Clerk to check requirements if encashment is required and do annual report to commissioners ongoing.

8.   Parish Plan Update – Ref: 008/2425

a)   Communication - Parish Council Newsletter at publishers and available for distribution from 11 April. Facebook posts regarding Police and Crime Commissioner Election, LCC Bus Travel survey, LCC Volunteers renovations, Police anti-social behaviour, Emergency road closure, Action Fraud emails, Dog fouling and Speed stickers, Green bin waste, Temporary Traffic Restriction

b)   Celebrations/Remembrance Occasions – next event scheduled Remembrance Day

c)   Village events – Fish Supper and Quiz night at village hall 24/04.

d)   Dog Fouling – More plastic bottles containing bags are required. The public spaces protection order stickers for dog fouling have been placed around the village

e)   Litter Picking – It has been noted there appears to be less litter. Weather has prohibited litter picking to be undertaken but will resume when weather improves.

f)   Playing Field

-   Fencing repairs remain outstanding.
-   Playing Equipment Repairs, site visit has been completed and awaiting quotes for repairs vs new replacement equipment, ongoing.
-   The large access gates chain and padlock have been put in place.
-   Mole removal remains outstanding.
-   Actions:-
-   Clerk to contact new Mole control companies in order to receive quotes
-   Clerk to follow up quotes for repair vs replacement equipment, ongoing
-   Clerk to follow up on fencing repairs

g)   Cemetery

-   Billed water now ceased confirmation received.
-   Cemetery benches, 2 may need disposing off and 2 need maintenance work
-   Cemetery  Chapel  in  need  of  maintenance,  doors  to  be  stripped  and  painted,  interior plasterwork needs attention, possible use of volunteer payback scheme
-   Cemetery signs out of date, new ones to be laminated and put up
-   Water butts, it was agreed to purchase the dual kit for £72.99 plus delivery up to £9.99 max. Proposed: Cllr R. Hunt, Seconder: Cllr P. Bryan. All in Favour.
-   The area for composting, this area needs screening behind pallets, ongoing.
- Keys for the facilities, register required


Clerk to order water butts

Clerk to compose a register for keys

Cllr P. Jackson and Cllr J. Slater to investigate the disposal/repair of cemetery benches Cllr P Bryan to source pallets and working party for compost heap screening

Cllr P. Bryan to laminate and put up new signs

Cllr P. Bryan to contact builders with a view to costs of maintenance work for Chapel

h)   Speed Signs & Speed Controls

-   40 mph wheelie bin stickers now available for North Kelsey Moor
-   Recent accident has prompted the availability of a speed survey through LCC
-   Solar powered vehicle activated sign/speed indication control, ongoing


Cllr P. Jackson and Cllr T. Smith to liaise re speed survey

9.   Parish Matters – Ref: 009/2425

North Kelsey Moor residents meeting – they have items for discussion

LCC Volunteer scheme – Cllr T. Smith will keep us informed with availability in order to submit another job list for the Cemetery Chapel


Cllr M. Williams to forward to Clerk items to be discussed for North Kelsey Moor residents for the next agenda

10.   Clerks Report – Ref: 010/2425

-   Application for Kings Coronation Portrait has been successful and Village Hall Committee has agreed for this to be hung in the hall
-   LCC Contribution for grass cutting 2024-25 £779.21. Invoiced for 2023-24 £603.33
-   Emailed a copy of the recently reviewed H:3 Code of Practice – Verge Mowing by Parishes, for the attention of Mary Williams present grass cutting contractor
-   AGAR and Audit, NKPC have been selected by PKF LittleJohn for a 5% sample audit
-   Youth Club:- forms need signing to obtain information
-   Resident personal thanks for the history article in the newsletter

11.   Planning Applications and Decisions received – Ref: 011/2425

-   147754 Starholme Farm Granted 15/03/2024
-   147836 Highfield House Granted 26/03/2024
-   147784 The Brambles – Council have no objections or comments

12.   Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 14/05/24 to commence after the Annual Parish Meeting

Meeting closed – 9.00pm