August 24 Minutes
North Kelsey Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13 August 2024
Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr S March (Vice Chair) Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Cundill, Cllr J Slater, and Cllr R Hunt
In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC)
Members of public present: 3
Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote
Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minute Number Item
63/2425 Welcome from Chair and Public Questions
Welcome given, 3 members of public present
Oil Drilling Campaign Group provided an update, reports have been sourced funded by donations raised, public enquiry scheduled for 22nd June 24 was cancelled, planning application has been withdrawn.
North Kelsey Moor resident had emailed clerk regarding various issues.
Actions:- Cllr.P.Morris (WLDC) agreed to take NKM resident issues forward.
North Kelsey Moor do have an independent Progress Group, they have an open invitation to any Parish Council Meeting as members of the public
64/2425 Apologies
Apologies for absence received from Cllr T Smith (LCC & WLDC)
65/2425 Declarations of interest
Cllr.P.Bryan in finances
66/2425 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2024
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Slater Seconded:- Cllr.J.Waite All in favour
That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.
67/2425 Police & Crime update
Police report for area NC09 received and circulated. Priority is Youth antisocial behaviour.
68/2425 District and County Council reports
Cllr P Morris:- WLDC
A hung council still prevails.
Visited Lincoln County archives and obtained interesting facts on the Cemetery Chapel, he will share this information to be included in the next addition of the newsletter.
Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC, Apologies given
69/2425 Chairman’s Update
Newsletter is reaching its target audience and well received
Work has been carried out in the children’s play park, shuttering repaired/fitted to contain the bark and bark respread prior to delivery of additional supply, swings have been checked for use
New Chair training has been booked and looking to learn from observing other council’s meetings
Assets register inspection report completed, the War Memorial does not appear on the register.
Actions:- Clerk to investigate ownership of the war memorial through the War Graves Commission
70/2425 Parish Councillor updates
Cllr.R.Hunt agreed to attend Play Equipment Course with LALC
71/2425 Clerks Report
Received, no items raised needing a decision
72/2425 Parish Matters
Cemetery:- Wildflower Meadow discussed, further consideration of area to be covered and quotes for the seeds/preparation needed to be sourced
Recreation Ground/Play Area Perimeter Fence Repairs:- quotes were considered
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan, All in Favour, JB Rural Services Limited to be awarded the job
JB Rural Services Limited to be sent purchase order confirming quote accepted and to confirm bark chippings are play safe and issue certificate to this effect
Trees:- Arborists quotes considered
Proposed:- Cllr.M.Williams Seconded:- Cllr.D.Waite, All in Favour Brookdale Tree Surgery Ltd to be awarded the job
Brookdale Tree Surgery Ltd to be sent purchase order confirming quote accepted
Planter Plaques:- consider quotes
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.S.March, All in Favour GRS Signs to be awarded the job
GRS Signs to be sent purchase order confirming quote accepted
Play Equipment painting:- Budget for quick drying paint and other supplies needed discussed
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Cundill Seconded:- Cllr.J.Slater, All in Favour
Agreed budget up to £500.00 to purchase supplies needed
North Kelsey Moor:- Bench Siting, measurements to be obtained and request to be sent to Lions for work to be carried out
Actions:- Cllr.P.Bryan to send measurements to Clerk, Cllr.R.Hunt to endorse request to Lions
North Kelsey Moor Notice Board:- an assessment by highways to check suitability and grant permission
Action:- Clerk to investigate sites and apply to Highways
Consider communication from NKM:- Cllr.P.Morris agreed to take issues forward
73/2425 Finances and Budget
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.R.Hunt. Cllr.M.Williams and Cllr.P.Bryan abstained from voting on approved payments
to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.
Invoice Date Supplier/Payee Details Cost VAT Total Payment
18/01/24 LALC Clerk advert on LCC Website 60.00 12.00 72.00
01/08/24 NKCA Village Hall Hire 336.00 336.00
11/06/24 B & M Poo Bags approved 14/05/24 min ref 23/2425 10.00 10.00
12/07/24 Louth Interskill Noticeboards 2090.00 418.00 2508.00
02/08/24 Home Call Computers Laptop Repairs 484.99 484.99
31/07/24 Clerk Salary July 24 394.01 394.01
31/07/24 HMRC PAYE July 24 98.60 98.60
31/07/24 Clerk Disbursements/Expenses July 24 97.65 97.65
31/07/24 Mary Williams Grass Cutting Invoice 24/023 1040.00 208.00 1248.00
29/07/24 LALC Webmaster 180.00 36.00 216.00
01/08/24 Unity Bank NKPC Opening Deposit 500.00 500.00
18/07/24 Dandelion Design Newsletter Printing 94.00 94.00
Totals 5385.25 674.00 6059.25
Bank Balances:- Current £59,998.75 @ 31/07/2024 (£6059.25 committed as above = £53,939.50) NS&I £5,963.73
Budget Monitoring Report:- produced and approved
74/2425 Unity Bank
Paperwork for change to bank account signed and other documentation to finalise the account opening completed.
Actions:- Clerk to send all required documents to Unity Bank, signed for postage
75/2425 Planning applications
None received
76/2425 The Council to review and agree the following policies and procedures:
Financial Regulations
Member and Officer Protocol
Disciplinary Policy
Complaints Procedure Policy
Community Engagement Statement
Communications Policy
Abuse and Vexatious Policy
Code of Conduct (adopted from WLDC not changed)
Council reviewed and approved updated policies and procedures
77/2425 West Street, (Village Car Park)
Discussed the Land registry transfer required. A local solicitor has agreed to do the necessary paperwork for free, Council would just need to pay the required fees
Proposed:- Cllr.P.Bryan Seconded:- Cllr.M.March, All in Favour
Council agreed to accept the kind offer and pay the required fees
78/2425 Proposal for Committees
Ways to work more efficiently/productively and get everyone involved.
One solution is to have designated committees to deal with issues more effectively, which should in turn mean quicker response/solution, another is to have particular tasks assigned to individuals.
Committees proposed were:-
Cemetery, Village Vision (5 year plan), and Finance (noted that this was in no way a reflection on the current clerks work)
Agenda item for September meeting as further discussion needed
Next Ordinary Meeting
79/2425 Actions to be undertaken before the Next Ordinary meeting
Send all required documents to Unity Bank
To investigate ownership of the war memorial through the War Graves Commission
Purchase Orders/Quote Acceptance for JB Rural Services Limited, Brookdale Tree Surgery Ltd, GRS Signs
North Kelsey Moor Notice Board:- to investigate sites and apply to Highways
North Kelsey Moor Bench Siting to send request with photos and measurements to Lions
Cllr.S.March:- Wildflower Meadow consideration of area to be covered and quotes for the seeds/preparation sourced
Cllr.P.Bryan:- North Kelsey Moor Bench Siting to send measurements to Clerk, Cllr.R.Hunt to endorse request to Lions
Cllr.P.Morris (WLDC):- agreed to take NKM resident issues forward.
Additional Outstanding items to be undertaken
Cllr T Smith:-
To arrange Highways site visit regarding drainage, signs and road markings
Riparian Ditches, awaiting confirmation of action on investigation with LCC
West Street:- Jetting hasn’t worked, bottom of Hall Lane flooding too
Village Green:- A pole near the pump has been chopped off and removed
80/2425 Items for inclusion on the next Ordinary Meeting agenda
Council is requested to use this opportunity to raise items for future Ordinary Meeting agendas.
Grit Bins and Street Lighting
Grass Cutting Tender 2025/2026
War Memorial
West Street Car Park
Proposal for Committees
Trees/Recreation Park Hedge Cutting
81/2425 Date and time of the next Ordinary Meeting
To confirm date and time of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, is set for Tuesday 10th September 2024 7.15pm.
82/2425 Exemption
That the meeting move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to matters relating to staffing.
83/2425 It was agreed to pay clerk for additional hours worked and any ongoing additional hours to be approved by Chair for payment that month.
The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 9.10pm