November 24 Minutes
North Kelsey Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2024
Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr S March (Vice Chair) Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J Waite, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Cundill and Cllr R Hunt
In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC)
Members of public present: 1
Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote
Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minute Number Item
136/2425 Welcome from Chair and Public Questions
Welcome given, one member of the public in attendance, no public questions
137/2425 Apologies
Apologies for absence, Cllr J Slater and Cllr T Smith (LCC & WLDC)
138/2425 Declarations of interest
Cllr J Cundill in NKCA and Community Shop
139/2425 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Proposed:- Cllr.R Hunt Seconded:- Cllr.D Waite All in favour
That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.
140/2425 Co-option of Parish Councillor
A resident had expressed an interest in becoming a Councillor and were present tonight
That Graham Harris be co-opted as a councillor to the Parish Council and sign the declaration of office and receipt of code of conduct. Register of Members interests completed, submit required documents to WLDC
Offer new councillor training and .gov email to be provided
141/2425 Police & Crime update
Police report for area NC09 received and circulated. Data Sept 24 compared with data for October 23 noted increase in sexual offences and burglary. Clarification required regarding forces focus. PCSO to be invited to the next meeting.
142/2425 District and County Council reports
Cllr P Morris:- WLDC
Garden Waste bin collection service, price increase to £46.00 for 25/26
Request for street sweeper/cleaner service to be a regular occurrence
Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC apologies
143/2425 Chairman’s Update
Observing other council’s meetings ongoing.
Thank you to Cllr. P Bryan for Newsletter, next edition scheduled for January 25
Thank you to a resident for their help with the play park refurbishment
Act of Remembrance well attended and request for cornet player to attend again next year
Working Groups reports, separate agenda items for next meeting
144/2425 Parish Councillor updates
Reminder that eco wreaths to be used in cemetery, posters for cemetery and facebook
WI have kindly offered to do refreshments at next years’ Act of Remembrance
Spate of thefts from sheds and garages, no police attendance, explore Neighbourhood Watch and Rural Watch groups
The cemetery wildflower seeding has been done.
Dog fouling is on the increase again, more posters with details of how to report, leading to prosecution. Cllr P Morris to request WLDC enforcement officer dog wardens presence in the village.
Litter Picking schedule to restart with a focus on the lay-by at Cross Lane.
145/2425 Clerks Report
Various temporary traffic orders, details posted on facebook and in the noticeboard
National pay awards agreed, back dated pay to April 24 and accept new rates under green book rules
Church Coffee morning, monthly second Saturday, advert to go in the next edition Newsletter
Unity Bank, interest paid quarterly, March June September and December
Road Closure, no cost to council but a TRO must be submitted
146/2425 Parish Matters
Tree Inspection:- Quotes for inspection reports on all trees to be sought
Cemetery Hedge left hand side:- To continue to pursue owner to cut hedge
Cemetery Water Leak:- Anglian Water have attended, further team to attend with grave digger
NK Moor bench:- Site meeting to be arranged with Lions who have agreed to fix bench and supply materials, invoice to be forwarded once completed. Transportation of bench to site date to be agreed.
NK Moor Noticeboard:- Report on ground conditions emailed to installation company, awaiting response with date
Youth Club update:- Approach Charity Commission regarding how monies can be spent
Old Noticeboard:- Possible use at Mortuary Chapel
147/2425 Village Hall Community Shop
Grant application form not received
148/2425 NKCA Weekend 13-15 June 2025
A number of events are proposed for over the weekend including tractor parade, school fete and both children’s/adult’s entertainment. Road closure, details regarding application have been obtained
NKCA request permission from Parish Council to dress the village pump, this was agreed
Discussions regarding Parish Council support for this community event, ongoing
149/2425 Payments for approval
Proposed:- Cllr.D.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.S.March Cllr.M.Williams abstained from voting on their payments
to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.
Invoice Date Supplier/Payee Details Cost VAT Total Payment
31/10/24 Clerk Salary Oct 24 (inc pay rise backdated to April 24) + 2.5 Additional Hours worked 572.35 572.35
31/10/24 HMRC PAYE Oct 24 143.00 143.00
31/10/24 JM Coote Disbursements/Expenses Oct 24 46.00 46.00
17/10/24 Mary Williams Grass Cutting Invoice 24/047 450.00 90.00 540.00
02/11/24 Cloud Next .gov domain 50.00 10.00 60.00
10/10/24 ICO Data Protection Annual Renewal Fee 35.00 35.00
31/10/24 Unity Bank Charges 5.40 5.40
10/11/24 Jim Watkins Act of Remembrance Cornet Player expenses 30.00 30.00
24/10/24 Brookdale Trees Cemetery and Cherry Tree 550.00 110.00 660.00
25/10/24 Dandelion Design Newsletter 94.00 94.00
12/11/24 LALC Health and safety training 72.50 14.50 87.00
Totals 2048.25 224.50 2272.75
Bank Balances:- Unity Current £4,248.69, 31/10/2024, reconciled. £1,291.25 credit £2,272.75 committed = £3,267.19. Unity Instant Saver £49.000.00, NS&I £5,963.73
150/2425 Budget 2024/25
Budget Monitoring Report:- produced and accepted
151/2425 Quarterly Bank Reconciliation and Statements
Cllr.S. March verified bank reconciliations/statements
152/2425 Unity Bank Account
Application to remove Cllr.J.Waite as a signatory completed
153/2425 Precept/Budget 2025/26
Draft budget for 2025/26 was discussed
That the draft precept of £21,900.00 be submitted to WLDC by 22 November 2024
154/2425 Planning applications
None received
155/2425 Play Parks Inspection Course
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan All in favour
Cllr.S.March to attend course organised by LALC 13/05/2025 at a cost of £77.50
156/2425 Recreation Ground and Play Area
Hedge cutting and ditch clearing, no quotes received to date, continue to obtain
157/2425 War Memorial
Lettering needs repainting, contact has been made, still awaiting quote
Other companies to be approached for quotes
Next Ordinary Meeting
158/2425 Items for inclusion on the next Ordinary Meeting agenda
159/2425 Date and time of the next Ordinary Meeting
To confirm date and time of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, is set for Tuesday 10th December 2024 7.15pm.
The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 8.59pm