September 24 Minutes

North Kelsey Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10 September 2024 
Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr S March (Vice Chair) Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Slater, and Cllr R Hunt
In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) 
Members of public present: 0
Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote
Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minute Number    Item
84/2425    Welcome from Chair and Public Questions
Welcome given, no members of the public in attendance 
85/2425    Apologies
Apologies for absence received from Cllr T Smith (LCC & WLDC) 
86/2425    Declarations of interest
Cllr. D.Waite in finances 
87/2425    Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 13th August 2024
Proposed:- Cllr.S.March Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan All in favour 
That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.
88/2425    Police & Crime update
Police report for area NC09 received and circulated. There was a significant crime increase in August, Caistor and Nettelton area noting 66 crimes including sexual offences and antisocial behaviour, North Kelsey and North Kelsey Moor no reported crimes.
89/2425    District and County Council reports
Cllr P Morris:- WLDC
WLDC have a limited budget and are looking at ways they reduce services, without impact, to reduce costs.
Food waste collections (2021 Act of Parliament) starts commercially April 2025 and domestically April 2026. The proposals include a 5L inside bin and 25L outside, and for this to be a compulsory/chargeable service. 
Cllr Morris is visiting Lincoln County archives again and Hopefully obtain additional facts on the Cemetery Chapel. 
Outline planning application has been received for a new supermarket in Market Rasen, they are online for comment. 
Cllr Morris and Cllr Smith are still to meet with North Kelsey Moor residents, postponed due to holidays
Comments regarding the council run household waste recycling centre not giving the best service have been raised. To email Cllr.T.Smith regarding this. 
Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC, Apologies given
90/2425    Chairman’s Update
Observing other council’s meetings ongoing.
91/2425    Parish Councillor updates
Cllr.J.Slater Post Office and Community Shop renovation works have been completed. Grants applied for equipment and hope to be open before Christmas 2024. There is an open morning for residents to view.
92/2425    Clerks Report
Received, items raised needing a decision
Youth Club, consult solicitor regarding funds to be used only for a building clause and if the Trustees can remove this. Check if any cost will be incurred, if so agenda item to discuss cost at the next meeting.
RoSPA report for the play equipment, cost from previous supplier £260.00, thought to be high, check costings of other providers and add to agenda for next meeting.
93/2425    Parish Matters
Newsletter:- next edition middle of October, deadline for articles end of September. Articles to include Remembrance Sunday, Councillor Vacancy
Cemetery:- Wildflower Meadow, 7m circles of wildflowers to be planted in the cemetery, either side of the chapel
Boston Seeds to be sent purchase order to buy 1kg of seed @ £160.00 plus postage
Proposed:- Cllr.P.Bryan Seconded:- Cllr.J.Waite,  All in Favour 
West Street, (Village Car Park) no further update
Play Equipment Painting:- community payback have painted the play equipment and will continue their work painting the fencing
North Kelsey Moor:- Bench Siting confirmation received from the Lions that they will carry out the necessary work. Site visit and date to be confirmed.
Siting of North Kelsey Moor noticeboard:- Application has been submitted to highways for this to be sited next to the existing post box, awaiting approval.
94/2425    Finances and Budget
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.R.Hunt. Cllr.M.Williams and Cllr.D.Waite abstained from voting on their payments 
to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.    
Invoice Date    Supplier/Payee    Details    Cost VAT   Total  Payment
31/08/24    Clerk    Salary August 24 + Additional Hours worked May 24 (11), June 24 (15), July 24 (7), August 24 (9) (42 hours)    868.32        868.32
31/08/24    HMRC    PAYE August 24 (HMRC Credit £249.70)    221.11        221.11
31/08/24    JM Coote    Disbursements/Expenses August 24    47.55        47.55
31/08/24    Mary Williams    Grass Cutting Invoice 24/032    1070.00    214.00    1284.00
07/08/24    Earnshaws    Shuttering for playpark bark chippings (D Waite)    59.41    11.90    71.31
30/08/24    GRS Signs    Commemorative Plaques for Planters    60.00    12.00    72.00
10/09/24    Various    Play Equipment Renovations Supplies    119.99        119.99
Totals            2446.38    237.90    2684.28
Bank Balances:- NatWest Current £53,949.50, Unity Current £500.00 = £54,449.50 @ 31/07/2024, reconciled.
£2,694.28 committed = £51,755.22, NS&I £5,963.73
Budget Monitoring Report:- produced and approved. More detail to be added going forward, VAT claim on all qualifying purchases
95/2425    Unity Bank
Paperwork signed for change to bank account signatories, Cllr.P.Bryan will forward to bank with verification documents. 
Unity Bank offer an interest account with no fees
To move £50,000.00 to an instant access interest account, funds can be moved to current account in order to meet payments monthly
Proposed:- Cllr.P.Bryan Seconded:- Cllr.J.Waite,  All in Favour 
96/2425    Planning applications
None received
97/2425    The Council to review and agree the following policies and procedures:
Council reviewed and approved updated policies and procedures
Proposed:- Cllr.J.Waite Seconded:- Cllr.S.March,  All in Favour
98/2425    Act of Remembrance 
Request to Barnetby Silver Band for a trumpet player, Act of Remembrance order, Invites, Village Hall for refreshments 
99/2425    Recreation Ground and Play Area
Playing Field Goal Posts, It was thought it might be better to move the goal posts to avoid the balls entering the land and children damaging the fence when climbing to retrieve them. Investigate the size of the pitch and if it would be appropriate to do so.  
Gulliwing Seesaw
Approve purchase on new seats £110.00 plus VAT £132.00 per seat, £220.00 plus VAT and delivery 
Council reviewed and approved purchase
Proposed:- Cllr.R.Hunt  Seconded:- Cllr.P.Bryan,  All in Favour
100/2425    Grit Bins and Street Lighting
Check with Highways replenish of grit bins, residents report any problems with street lighting
101/2425    Trees/Recreation Park Hedge Cutting
To obtain quotes for cutting play field hedges and clearing the ditch, removal of all spoil
102/2425    Grass Cutting Tender 2025/2026
Specification to be drafted for approval to tender. Maximum 13 cuts per year (permission would be required if needed to exceed this quota) 
103/2425    War Memorial
Lettering needs repainting, quote to be obtained 
104/2425    Website
Management of the website to be transferred back to the council. Cllr.J.Waite to update until Clerk has had training
105/2425    Proposal for Committees
Discussed having committees responsible for different areas, open to councillors and members of the public 
Communications:- Website, Newsletter, Noticeboards and Facebook
Strategic Planning:- Long term planning, Budget
Maintenance:- Assets, Park and Cemetery 
Ongoing agenda item next meeting 
106/2425    Cemetery Review
Some headstones are leaning/in disrepair, ownership to be established in order to rectify.
    Next Ordinary Meeting
107/2425    Actions to be undertaken before the Next Ordinary meeting
Councillor Vacancy advert for the Newsletter
Comments regarding the council run household waste recycling centre not giving the best service have been raised. To email Cllr.T.Smith regarding this. 
Budget Report add more details
Look into how to close NS&I Account
Application for Interest Account with Unity
Act of Remembrance, Order, Invites County, District and Parish Councillors, Knit and Natter Group, Women’s Institute, School, Bowls Club, Butcher’s Arms Pub, request to Barnetby Silver Band
Goal Posts Investigate the size of the pitch and if it would be appropriate 
Check with Highways replenish of grit bins
Quotes for cutting play ground hedges and clearing the ditch, removal of all spoil
Grass Cutting Tender 2025/2026, Specification to be drafted 
War Memorial quote for repainting to be obtained
Website, transfer Management of the website back to the council
Cemetery Review, visit cemetery, check plots, draft letters
Cllr.P.Bryan:- Unity bank signatory, forward to bank with verification documents. 
Additional Outstanding items to be undertaken
Cllr T Smith:- email sent 
108/2425    Items for inclusion on the next Ordinary Meeting agenda
Youth Club
RoSPA report 
Closure of NS&I account 
Proposal for Committees
109/2425    Date and time of the next Ordinary Meeting
To confirm date and time of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting, is set for Tuesday 8th October 2024 7.15pm. 

The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 9.15pm