March 2024 Minutes


North Kelsey Parish Council
c/o Jayne M Coote 4a March Street Kirton in Lindsey Gainsborough DN21 4PH

Minutes of the North Kelsey Parish Council held at 7.15 pm at the Village Hall on 12th March 2024

Present: Cllr D. Waite (Chair) Cllr S. March (Vice Chair) Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr J. Slater, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr R. Hunt, Cllr P. Jackson, Cllr J. Waite.

In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) Cllr T. Smith (LCC), Members of public present: 1

1.   Welcome from the chairman and public session.

Thank you given by the Chair to those Councillors undertaking duties in the Clerk absence.

2.   Reports from Unitary Councillors.

Cllr P. Morris WLDC – appeal against the judicial review of Scampton is still ongoing.

WDLC – Precept increase has been agreed 2.99% maximum. This will facilitate 2 development officers 1 for sports and recreation and the other drama and culture.

There is now an option to hire larger bins to address excess rubbish.

A supply of Public Spaces Protection Order stickers were presented for village use, aimed at reducing the amount of dog fouling.

Dog fouling – it is thought there could be a QR code which can be used to report full dog waste bins to WLDC.

Cllr T. Smith LCC – West Street still a problem area for flood & Chapel Street sunken manhole covers. Flooding and drainage problems investigations are due to be completed 8th April.

Decisions are to be made, some without prejudice, regarding riparian ditches, LCC paper on drainage clearing responsibilities is now available.

LCC agreed 4.99% increase in the authority’s share of the council tax, which equates to an extra £1.44 per week for a Band D property.2.99% will be for adult social care and 2.00% general.

There is a £5 million pot which village/community halls can make a request for funding.


Clerk to send Cllr P. Bryan LCC & WLDC contact information to arrange site visits to view flooding problem areas.

Cllr J. Cundill to investigate if the village hall could apply for any funding. Cllr P Morris – to check on progress re QR code for dog fouling

3.   Apologies and reasons for absence – Ref: 441


4.   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 - being any pecuniary or nonpecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interests – Ref: 442

Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr J. Slater – North Kelsey Village Hall Committee

Cllr J. Cundill, Cllr J. Slater, Cllr R. Hunt – North Kelsey Community Shop.

5.   To approve the draft minutes of the Council meeting held on 13/02/24 – Ref: 443

It was resolved to approve the minutes as a true record. Proposed: Cllr P. Byran, Seconder: Cllr J. Waite. All in Favour.

6.   To agree time/date of Council meetings – Ref: 444

It was resolved to continue the 2nd Tuesday of the month with a starting time of 7.15pm. Proposed: Cllr P. Jackson, Seconder: Cllr J. Slater. All in Favour.


Clerk to complete village hall booking form and return.

7.   Finance Report – Ref: 445

a)   Accounting statements for period ending 29/02/2024, bank statements have been ordered but were not available for bank reconciliation.

b)   Schedule of payments, currently using a cheque book payment system until BACS is reinstated. Still awaiting new banking signatories to be completed.

c)   Clerks Salary, it was agreed to pay clerks salary the last Friday of every month. Proposed: Cllr P. Bryan, Seconder: Cllr J. Waite. All in Favour.


Present signatories to authorise clerk as a signatory. Cllr J. Waite to be removed as a signatory, Cllr P. Jackson to remain, Cllr D. Waite to be added as Chair and clerk to be added also.

8.   To receive any reports from external organisations – Ref: 446

Cllr J. Cundill reported that the Village Hall usage is increasing and having success with events being arranged.

Youth Club – NKPC – as trustee to the Youth Club propose to hand over to Youth Club trusteeship and allocated funding. Commissioners annual report is overdue.

Actions:- Cllr J. Cundill to investigate how trustees can close a charity. Lincolnshire Police no crime to report in North Kelsey.


Cllr D. Waite to follow up response from Youth Club.

Clerk to check requirements if encashment is required and do annual report to commissioners.

9.   Parish Plan Update – Ref: 447

a)   Parish Council Newsletter – 22nd March agreed closing date for any newsletter contribution.

b)   Celebrations/Remembrance Occasions – no formal event to commemorate D-Day

c)   Village events – PTA have organised an Easter Bingo event.

LCC Volunteer Scheme are to visit the village to carry out a program of work 2ndand/or 3rd April 2024. Village hall to be booked for toilet facilities and lunch break. Materials are required to complete program of work, a budget of £200.00 maximum agreed.

Proposed: Cllr P. Jackson, Seconder: Cllr D. Waite. All in Favour.


Cllr D. Waite to purchase materials

Clerk to email Cllr P. Bryan PTA Easter poster for newsletter inclusion Cllr P Bryan to put PTA Easter event poster in newsletter

d)   Dog Fouling - This is major problem and concerns from the public were voiced. Plastic bottles containing bags for use have been positioned around the village by a younger resident and hoping for more in other locations. Many thanks from the council for their initiative. Request to the school to see if they would like to do posters which can be laminated and used to highlight the problem. The public spaces protection order stickers for dog fouling to be made readily available to residents, availment to advertised in the newsletter with a notice to residents to be encouraged to report on the WLDC website.

Cllr P Bryan to put availment of public spaces stickers in Newsletter Resident to contact school with poster idea

e)   Litter Picking – March litter picking undertaken along B1434 Cross Lane.

f)   Playing Field

-   Tarmacing of Car Park completed.
-   Ash tree has been cut but due to weather and birds nesting the remaining work will have to be scheduled for later in the year, proposed October/November.
-   Fencing repairs remain outstanding.
-   Playing Equipment Repairs, site visit has been completed and awaiting quotes for repairs vs new replacement equipment.
-   The large access gates are non-compliant, remedy is to chain and padlock them. It was proposed this was a cost effective way to remedy non-compliance.

Proposed: Cllr J. Waite, Seconder: Cllr R. Hunt. All in Favour.

-   Mole removal remains outstanding.
-   Actions:-
-   Clerk to purchase chain and locks to fit to gates.
-   Clerk to check Mole control contract and follow up
-   Clerk to follow up quotes for repair vs replacement equipment
-   Cllr P. Bryan to send playing field fencing repairs spreadsheet to clerk

g)   Litter Picking – March litter picking undertaken along B1434 Cross Lane.

Cemetery – Investigation into billed water undertaken – awaiting outcome. Water butt costs to be investigated. Green waste bin annual subscription not to be renewed, there is an area for composting. This area needs screening behind pallets.


Cllr P Bryan to source pallets and working party for compost heap screening

h)   Speed signs & Speed Controls – Suggestion of a ‘Horse fence entrance’ to North Kelsey Moor with planters as a speed restriction exercise. There is a supply of speed signs available to stick to wheelie bins, availment to be advertised in the Newsletter. More 40 mph stickers need to be

i)   ordered for North Kelsey Moor. Costs for solar powered vehicle activated sign/speed indication to be sought.


Clerk to get costs for solar powered vehicle activated sign/speed indication & 40mph Speed signs

10.   Parish Matters – Ref: 448

Producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan is not viable.

11.   Clerks Report – Ref: 449

Site visit undertaken, public services poster one already in place.

12.   Planning Applications and Decisions received – Ref: 450

None to be considered

13.   Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 09/04/24 at 7.15pm

Meeting closed – 9.05pm