May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


North Kelsey Parish Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11 June 2024

Present: Cllr D Waite (Chairman) Cllr J Waite, Cllr P. Bryan, Cllr M. Williams, Cllr J Cundill In attendance: Cllr. Peter Morris (WLDC) Cllr T Smith (LCC & WLDC)

Members of public present: 0 Parish Clerk – Mandy Coote

Note: All documents referenced in the Minutes will be made available on the Council’s website.

Minute Number



Welcome from Chair and Public Questions

Welcome given no members of public present



Apologies for absence received from Councillor S March, Councillor J Slater, and Councillor R Hunt


Declarations of interest

Councillor M Williams in accounts.


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2024 RESOLVED:

That the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true and proper record.


Police & Crime update

Police report for area NC09 received and circulated, no concerns


District and County Council reports Cllr P Morris:- WLDC

There is no overall control by a single party meaning no majority for legislation to be passed. Hopefully this will change after the General Election.

Dog waste bin on South Street has been moved further away from the bench

Meeting with North Kelsey Moor residents group took place 30th May 2024. Additional rubbish bins and dog waste bin are to be provided, awaiting details of siting. Defibrillator: siting and source of power is a concern, it has to be accessible, possible on highways verge near to the former pub, but only 2m of verge is owned by Council and fear this is too close to the road, still in conversation with WLDC regarding this. Siting of the bench, still on going

Cllr T Smith:- LCC & WLDC

West Street, chasing Highways for date of assigned investigation.

Proposed extension of 30mph speed limit on Brigg Road in North Kelsey consultation underway, if no response by 9 July 2024, it will be assumed there are no objections to the proposal.

North Kelsey Moor: Pot holes, drainage and road lines, a site visit with Highways to be arranged Occupation Lane: Land in middle not being cut is not owned by Council.

Drain covers and potholes are still being addressed. Rough road surfaces are not Classed as a priority Grange Lane, it was requested if the 30mph speed limit could be extended.

Action:-Cllr T Smith to look into this


Parish Matters

Siting of new noticeboards: North Kelsey Village to be sited at the village green. North Kelsey Moor, still in discussion possible on highways verge near to the former pub, but only 2m of verge is owned by Council and fear this is too close to the road. Details to be sent to Highways for assessment and approval. Action: Cllr P Bryan to send specifications of noticeboard to Clerk, dimensions and material. Clerk to contact Highways with request.

Action: Cllr P Bryan to contact contractor re siting of one notice board

War Memorial: Historic England have completed our initial assessment of the above memorial to consider whether it has special architectural or historic interest. Any further information should be sent to them by 19 June send these to us by email or by post within 21 days from the date of this email, they will consider all representations made before finalising our assessment and making our recommendation. They will notify us of the Secretary of State’s decision in due course.


North Kelsey Moor: Bench Siting ongoing, an assessment by highways to check suitability and grant permission, enquiry sent 3/6

Disabled Access to Recreation Ground:

Action:- Cllr D Waite to contact resident to discuss requirements Riparian Ditches: Awaiting on investigation with LCC

Anglian Water: Cllr T Smith will do an article for the Newsletter (due end of June) and email to Cllr P Bryan Action: Cllr T Smith article


Clerks Report


Finances and Budget RESOLVED:

to approve the following payments and monitoring reports be received.

Cllr M Williams abstained from voting on approved payments

Bank Balances:- Current £63,637.13 (£768.36 committed from May outstanding) @ 30/05/2024 NS&I £5,963.73


Annual Governance Statement Section 1

The Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 was considered by the Parish Council.


That Section 1 of the Statement be agreed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


Annual Governance Statement Section 2

The Accounting Statement for 2023/24 was considered by the Parish Council.


That the accounting statement set out in Section 2 be agreed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk and that the Notice of Public Inspection start on 24 June until 2 August 2024.


Planning Applications

No current planning applications to consider.


Next Ordinary Meeting


Actions to be undertaken before the Next Ordinary meeting

Cllr T Smith: Look into Grange Lane 30mph speed limit

Cllr P Bryan to contact contractor re siting of one notice board

Cllr P Bryan to send specifications of noticeboard to Clerk, dimensions and material. MC/Clerk to contact highways with request.

Cllr D Waite to make contact with resident regarding Disabled Access to Recreation Ground Cllr T Smith Anglian Water flooding article for newsletter

Cllr T Smith to arrange Highways site visit regarding drainage, signs and road markings


Additional Outstanding items to be undertaken

MC: Youth Club awaiting response

MC: Recreation Grounds awaiting quote

MC: Village Hall Committee re possible defibrillator donation to North Kelsey Moor: awaiting response PB: To send Chapel survey report to MC

Cllr P Bryan: Planter plaques to look at design and wording and obtain quotes


Items for inclusion on the Next Ordinary Meeting Agenda

Clerk additional hours


Dates and time of the Next Ordinary Meeting

Next meeting will be Tuesday 9th July 2024 7.15pm

The Meeting started at 7.15pm and closed at 9.30pm

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